It is that time of the year and our dancers are back full swing at dance. What all dancers should have in their dance bag for class and to be performance ready. Our dancers do many performances all across the United states. Lets get prepared for this 2018-2019 year dance moms.
1. All style dance shoes (there is nothing more frustrating trying to teach a class and a student does not have their shoes for class)
2. An extra pair of tights, a leo and warm-ups.
3. Deodorant
4. Towel- for sweating
5. Feminine wipes
6. Toothbrush and toothpaste
7. Hair brush and ponytail holders
8. Their hair bun (doughnut)
9. Pins-bobby and safety
10. A razor
11. A bottle of water
12. A light snack (granola bar)
13. A maxi-pad for those that need
14. Extra pair of lashes-for performance team
15. Band-aids (all sizes) and peroxide
16. Make-up ( you never know when an opportunity may arise) Keep those lips poppin
17. Notebook and pen- learning is essential
18. Resume and photo- You never know when an opportunity may happen
19. A plastic bag for clothes that are wet and sweaty
20. An umbrella for those un-expected rainy days